The Miles Davis + Voodo Fé Collection is a homage to the most influential figure in jazz, who shaped the history and culture that surrounds music, and a remarkable Brooklyn International Artist who has monumentalized the musician in original pieces.

Miles Davis, moved to New York to pursue his studies at Julliard. He however found himself neglecting the halls of his classes, to pursue his art in the real world, by playing amongst professional jazz musicians around the city. Over the course of five decades, Miles Davis has remained a tremendous influence in jazz, through his capacity to eternally evolve over time, and to ineffably invent a new sound, remarkably akin to the human voice.

The Brooklyn-based artist, Voodo Fe’, created a body of work to celebrate Davis’s; multifaceted career as a trumpeter, composer, and visionary trendsetter by visually capturing iconic moments of the musician’s life. “This kind of thing doesn’t happen every day. To be able to deliver a diverse collection that speaks to the freedom and openness of Miles’ creative energy.”, the artist elaborates upon his tributary collection; an artist inspired by an artist. Voodo Fe’s artwork and fashionwear have been supported by the Miles Davis Foundation which instates the relevance of the artist as an influence for today’s creatives.

Defiant in the face of personal challenges, art comes to exist as a catharsis for Voodo Fe’, as well as a vessel to commemorate his inspirations in a collection of multifarious creative endeavors. He has created original pieces in visual art, music, fashion design, graphic design, jewelry, brand creation, and invented products. “Voodo Fe’ is ever evolving, no boundaries, endless creative energy…a beautiful brother,”mentions Vince Wilburn Jr. (Nephew to the late Miles Davis). Seized by passion, and consistently motivated by heart, Voodo Fe’ has become a transformative and yet limitless artist to recognize. The Miles Davis legend lives on through the generations. “There’s not a day that goes by where I don’t think about The Chief…I love you Uncle Miles…”, Vince Wilburn Jr. states in loving memory.

Special Thank you to the Miles Davis Family, everyone at Perry Scope and Special, Special Thank you to Vince, who sparked this connection..

© 2022 Miles Davis Properties LLC under license to Perryscope Productions LLC